Tree and Shrub Care Service in Toronto and GTA

The introduction of the Tree & Shrub Care Program is a response to questions like: "Why my beautiful, newly planted trees and shrubs are dying in the first few years after planting? Are the cold winter days or the hot summer days killing them? What I am doing wrong? Is there anything that will stop them from dying? ".

Most trees and shrubs purchased from local nurseries are acclimatized to the usual Canadian weather. The only difference between nursery fields and other places (ie. residential or commercial properties) is the maintenance care received. Every tree and shrub grown in a nursery field will receive monthly fertilizers and pest treatments during the vegetation season (April to November). This maintenance will ensure the trees and shrubs grow nicely with a high natural resistance to most common pests and extreme cold or hot days.

To increase the survival rate and obtain healthier looking trees and shrubs we advise you to choose one of the following trees & shrubs programs offered. These programs are intended especially for young trees and shrubs (1 to 15 years old).
♦  Tree and Shrub Care - Minimum Maintaining Program
    - 3 Visits

♦  Tree and Shrub Care - Improved Maintaining Program
    - 4 Visits (3 Visit Program. +1 Extra Insect Soap Spray)

♦  Tree and Shrub Care - Best Maintenance Program
    - 5 Visits (4 Visit Program +1 Visit Dormant Oil Spray

Minimum Maintaining Program - 3 Visits top

This program consists of the least amount of maintenance for your trees and shrubs.

This program includes three visits:

- A Spring Deep Root Fertilizer application (April – May).
With this fertilization, we ensure that your trees and shrubs receive the minimum nutrients and energy necessary to break the buds and develop a healthy looking canopy.

- A Foliage Spray with Insecticidal Soap (June – July).
With this treatment, we intend to control the most common defoliating insects and maintain a healthy foliage.

- A Fall Deep Root Fertilizer Application (October – November).
This fertilization will help the root system remain active for as long as possible in the late Fall so it can build up enough food reserves for the viability of the tree during the dormant stage (winter).

Improved Maintaining Program- 4 Visits (3 Visit Program. + 1 Extra Insect Soap Spray) top

This program is especially recommended for deciduous trees that are preferred by late summer caterpillars (defoliating insects).

This program will include the Minimum 3 Visits Program +1 extra Insecticidal Soap Spray which will keep the late summer defoliators under control.

The extra summer foliage spray will be scheduled at least 3 weeks from the first foliage spray (July – August).

Best Maintenance Program - 5 Visits (4 Visit Program + 1 Visit Dormant Oil Spray) top

In this program will include the Improved 4 Visits Program + 1 visit Dormant Oil Spray. We recommend this program only for trees or shrubs infested with pests such as: scale, aphides or spider mites. These types of pests are highly resistant to the summer defoliator spray.

This program will include the Improved 4 Visits Program + 1 visit Dormant Oil Spray.

Mineral Dormant Oil is sprayed with the intention to kill and suffocate all the egg masses and any other insects such as: scale, aphides and spider mites that are living over winter on the trunk and lower branches of the trees and shrubs. This application can be done in late Fall (after at least 80% of leaves have fallen) or in early spring (before the buds break). 

After each visit, the technician will write a report about the condition of your trees or shrubs and, he will make recommendations only if it is necessary.